What is your role at SHE and what are some of your current projects?
My role is Assistant Production Manager. Currently, my projects are continuous product improvements of our go! pads to maintain its high-quality and maintenance of our machines.
How did you first connect with SHE?
One day a friend of me told that “Man, they doing some cool innovation in Ngoma. Let’s go and see what is going on!!” After I visited the production site, and learned more about the patented process of producing pads out of banana fibers, I applied for an internship to work as a production intern.
Why did you join SHE?
I joined SHE to contribute my technical skills to a greater mission of valuing our sisters and mothers so they no longer miss work or school.
What have you learned about grit, innovation, and trust since joining the team?
I learned how the use of banana fibers is highly innovative and unique. I also am inspired that everyone at SHE can play be a part of addressing this problem; that each one of us have skills that we can use to improve our communities.
What is your goal for expanding go!’s pad production?
My goals is to learn the technology updates needed so we can quickly implement in our pad production.
When you’re not working at SHE, what are your passions and hobbies?
I am passionate about solving practical problems (DIY). I enjoy watching movies and swimming.
What might someone be surprised to know about you?
They be surprised to know that I am flexible and kind.
What words best describe you?
Quiet, Wise, and Hard Worker
What’s the most recent book you read / TV or movie you watched / song you danced to?
The recent book I’ve read is The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch and my favorite TV show is SHAMELESS.